In case you missed Association Vice President Glenn Owen’s June 26, 2012 email:
This email is intended to update the owners of Sugar Beach on the results of the survey conducted to determine the level of interest in constructing a facility that would replace the tennis courts. A total of 38 unit owners responded to the survey. The results indicated 15 Interested, 10 Somewhat Interested, and 13 Not Interested. Only 2 surveys mentioned the cost of the facility as the reason for their lack of interest and several mentioned the view or desire for a garden in the tennis court area as their reason for lack of interest in the facility as previously presented. It would appear that the negative surveys are indicating a concern for the way the structure would look if constructed as presently proposed.

The highest rated areas of interest were the Meeting Space with a Kitchen and the Exercise Room. After looking at the tennis court area in light of these comments, it appears that a smaller structure (approximately 30×50 feet on 2 levels) could be built in front of the north elevator with a flat roof that would match the existing structure. The surface of the tennis courts that would not be affected by this structure could be made to look more presentable than the patched surface that presently exists.
The top level of this structure could be used as and Exercise Facility and On Site Manager’s Office with Restrooms and the lower level could be a 1500 square foot Meeting Space with a Kitchenette.

The Board is extremely interested in taking on efforts that will improve the value of our owner’s investments in Sugar Beach. However, we are very sensitive to the concerns of the owners regarding any of these proposals. We will continue to investigate the feasibility of the various options and will ensure that any concept has been thoroughly evaluated and adjusted to meet the concerns of our owners prior to presenting the concept for approval.

Glenn Owen
HOA Board Vice President

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